Welcome to Weather station
The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2/Vue, and these pages are updated every 5 minutes
The meteorological day used at this station ends a midnight.
Forecast : Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
Temperature and humidity | |||
Feel like Temp | 46.9 | Feel like (with sun) | 87.0 |
Temperature | 47.6 °F | Humidity | 53% |
Apparent Temperature | 42.2°F | Last hour variation (3hrs) | -0.5°F |
Wet thermometer | 41.2°F | Last hour variation (Falling) | -1.1°F |
Average Temperature | 47.7°F | Dew point | 31.3°F |
Windchill | 46.9°F | Chill hours | 13.5 |
Humidex | 8.7°F | Heat index | no |
Cloud base | 3705 ft | Is sun up | No |
Rainfall | |||
Rainfall rate | 0.00 in/hr | Rainfall Today | 0.00 in |
Rainfall Last Hour | 0.00 in | Rainfall This Month | 0.00 in |
Rainfall since midnight | 0.00 in | Rainfall This Year | 20.20 in |
Rainfall last 24h | 0.00 in | Last rainfall (20 Day, 17 Hour, 6 Min) | 2024-09-24 07:04 |
Wind | |||
Current wind speed | 3 mph | Wind direction | NE |
Wind Speed (gust) | 10 mph | Wind bearing | 38° |
Wind speed (avg) | 3 mph | Wind bearing (avg) | 41° |
Wind bearing range from | 030° (30°) | to | 050° (49°) |
Beaufort scale | F1 | Light air | - |
Pressure (sea level) | |||
Barometer | 30.15 in | Altimeter pressure | 30.14 in |
Pressure trend | 0.00 in | Rising slowly | |
Sun and Moon | |||
Sunrise | 07:37 | Sunset | 18:43 |
Dawn | 07:09 | Dusk | 19:11 |
Moonrise | 17:50 | Moonset | 05:11 |
Day length | 11:05 | Length of daylight | 12:01 |
Moon age | 12 Day | ||
Our Location | |||
Latitude | N 41° 11' 21" | Longitude | W 96° 07' 48" |
Altitude | 1142 ft |
Page updated : 10/15/2024 12:10:00 AM
powered by Cumulus 3.27.0 (3257)
local time
Omaha, Nebraska
Temperature : | 47.6°F |
Humidity : | 53% |
Wind speed : | 3 mph |
Wind direction : | NE |
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Last read at 00:10:00
Forecast image
(next 12 hours)
Moon phase
Phase : Waxing Gibbous
Moon visible at 92%