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Thank you for taking an interest in the quality of your stream. Here is some insight on the collection and analysis process.


Starts with an approximately twenty second sample of your stream. We then use an automated process to "listen to" the sample collecting FFT (fast Fourier transform) or the frequency domain data and Time Domain data for analysis. The FFT data is used to check for Hum and Static/Distortion. The Time Domain data is used to check for Clipping and the overall audio levels. We then compare the values obtained to determine if they are within acceptable ranges that have been established

We use a six point rating system, one point each for Hum, Clipping and Static/Distortion. The audio level contributes the other three points. Three points for a good level, two points for a level that is marginally high or low and zero points if a level that is out of range either high or low. You will see the details of the analysis in your quality reports.

More information on quality can be found HERE


Your stream is monitored on an hourly basis. The way we monitor is attempt to establish a connection to and collect a short sample of your stream. The result is in essence a Yes/No. That is we were able to connect and collect a sample. If we cannot connect, a log file of the attempt is recorded. You will be able to see the log file of the failed attempts in the Availability History tool.

More information on availability can be found HERE

Our analysis is very subjective. We do not represent any negitive analysis results as conclusive only questionable. They were developed as a tool to help the volunteer NWR Org Admin Team. The final analysis, actually listening to your stream, is performed by them before marking a stream as marginal in the player.

Quality History Tool

You will be presented a page that contains your station information, a table with your quality history results for Hum, Static, Clipping, Audio and overall score by day. Clicking on the date will bring up a popup window with the detailed report for that day. There is also summary of your quality score for all collection periods beneath your station information

Availability History Tool

You will be presented with a page containing your system information and a table by date and hour with the connection history. ONLY days that had a no connection made for at least one sample period will be displayed. Dates not shown had no negative connection events OR your stream was marked as Not Available by the NWR Admin Team in which case we did not attempt to connect. Each hour will contain OK, BAD or LOG. Clicking on LOG will bring up the transaction log of the failure to connect event.

Live Quality Score Tool

You will be able to use this tool to Open your live stream, collect a sample and perform a quality analysis. There is a link at the bottom of the page to access a short "How To Use" slideshow like presentation or you can view it HERE

Important Notes

This page uses java script and HTML5 audio. It has been tested using Chrome, Fire Fox and limited testing with Windows 10 Edge. It WILL NOT work with Microsoft IE

The collection and analysis will actually be running on your machine. Do not be alarmed if you see results that do not match your detailed reports. We have found variation from machine to machine in our testing. The reports we run are on a dedicated platform that has been calibrated as closely as possible to NWR Org standards