Temperature: | |
Heat Index: | |
Wind Chill: | |
Humidty: | % |
Dew Point: | |
Wind Speed: | |
Wind gust: | |
Wind Direction: | |
Barometer: | |
Rainfall Today: | |
Rainfall Last 24hr: | 0.38 in |
Almanac | |
Sunrise: | 7:00 am |
Sunset: | 5:16 pm |
Moonrise: | 10:22 am |
Moonset: | 6:59 pm |
Moon |
Waxing Crescent |
8% Illuminated |
NWS Forecast: |
Overnight: A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Cloudy, with a low around 55. South wind around 6 mph. - Click link at left for full NWS forecast
Overnight: A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Cloudy, with a low around 55. South wind around 6 mph. - Click link at left for full NWS forecast
Monday |
Cloudy with Showers Chance of precipitation 80%. High: 58°F. Low: 45°F. Wind W 6->18 mph. |
Tuesday |
Partly Cloudy with Light Showers and Isolated Storms Chance of precipitation 80%. High: 52°F. Low: 37°F. Wind NNW 10->19 mph. |
Wednesday |
Mostly Cloudy with Light Rain Showers Chance of precipitation 10%. High: 54°F. Low: 40°F. Wind S 2->11 mph. |
Thursday |
Partly Cloudy with Light Rain Showers Chance of precipitation 10%. High: 52°F. Low: 40°F. Wind NNE 5->12 mph. |
Friday |
Partly Cloudy with Scattered Showers Chance of precipitation 30%. High: 50°F. Low: 42°F. Wind ENE 5->13 mph. |
Saturday |
Mostly Cloudy with Scattered Showers Chance of precipitation 50%. High: 50°F. Low: 41°F. Wind SE 6->17 mph. |
Sunday |
Mostly Sunny High: 52°F. Low: 40°F. Wind WSW 7->17 mph. |
Omaha, NE, USA forecast by PWS Weather.
Powered by PWS Weather
Cache Updated: 2024-11-04 5:21 am (CST)
Our site is powered by two independent Personal Weather Stations (PWS). The first PWS is a Davis VP2. The data is collected every 2.5 seconds and presented in our web pages every 10 seconds. Daily, monthly and all-time high and lows are updated every 5 minutes. This PWS data is collected using Cumulus version: 3.2.0 (3056) software running on a Raspberry PI 2 Model B platform.
The second PWS is an Acu-Rite 5-in-1. The data is collected and presented in our web pages every 18 seconds. Daily, monthly and all-time high and lows are updated every 5 minutes. This PWS data is collected using WeeWX Open source software driving the Cumulus version: 3.2.0 (3056) data collection software using a three core AMD processor running Lunix (Ubuntu)
Both stations are equipped with an anemometer, a rain gauge and a thermo-hydro sensor situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy possible. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.
This site is made up of different weather templates. Each template contain the same data collected from our station formatted and presented in different, unique ways. Some templates are more robust including current radar images and extended forecasts. You can view the templates by selecting them from the menu at the top of this page. Please enjoy browsing our site
Saratoga Template design by CarterLake.org with PHP conversion by Saratoga-Weather.org.
PWS_Dashboard Template design by Wim van der Kuil
Weather Blues Template design by Weather by You!
Meteo Template design by METEOTEMPLATE
CumulusMX Template design by Sandaysoft using CumulusMX version: 3.2.0 (3056)
Country: | United States |
Region: | Connecticut |
City: | Fairfield |
Latitude: | 41.218349456787 |
Logitude: | -73.251731872559 |
Your Local Time: | Mon, 4 Nov 2024 6:21:45 AM (GMT -05:00) |
Note: Local Time above may not reflect daylight savings time if applicable